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Pastor Bryan Krick

Lead Pastor

Preventing Spiritual Stagnation

Curing Spiritual Stagnation

God's Judgment

Living by Faith

Questions for God and Answers from God

God is Sovereign

God is Good

God The Savior

God The Parent - Part 2

God The Parent - Part 1

God The Judge

I Am Jonah

Grace to Rebels

Getting Unstuck

God’s Pursuit

God's Mission

Loving Your Brother

Exhortation and Encouragement

Truths for Today

Learning FROM Lament

Based on material in Dark Clouds Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament by Mark Vroegop

One Anothering

IDentity: Who Does God Say I Am?

The Gift Exchange

Stand Firm in Hope and Faith

Verse by verse study of 1 and 2 Peter

The Heart of Worship

Add To Your Faith

God's Messages to Us in The Christmas Story

I Am a Member

Strength IN Weakness

Verse by verse study of 2 Corinthinas 

Dear Church: A Study of Revelation 2-3

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